A home for wellness-focused high achievers doing the inner work

sparkly translucent wave over beige sand

Oh confidence. Everyone’s favorite question! In this article, we will cover confidence from a holistic perspective. That’s right, we’re not just going to give you a checklist and say sayonara. We’re going to go deeper! First, we’ll clear up some things about confidence, then get into your limiting beliefs and mindset, and we’ll finish by […]

lifestyle and how to sleep better

Let’s get back to basics and help you sleep better! We’re going to take you through an assessment, recommendations for better sleep, as well as how to turn that inspiration into action. And we’ll cover what to do if making time for yourself is hard!

I recently took my first trip to India with my husband and it turned out to be quite the wellness destination! We stayed at The Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Mumbai and I was delighted to discover their wellness center, the J Wellness Circle. Read on to see what I thought of my first experience with ayurveda, what I thought of my physician consultation, my personalized protocol, and the treatment I had!

sara and stacy ready to achieve goals

You’re a high achiever and you’re used to getting things done and getting what you want. But if you’re here, you’re probably wondering if there’s a better way to set and achieve your goals. In this article we take you through our approach to goal setting that is holistic and a few layers deeper than you may be used to. And, it’s going to change the way you think about goal setting for the better!!

Why You’re Critical of Yourself as a High Achiever and What You Can Do About It

As a high achiever, you probably have a complicated relationship with yourself. One minute you’re on top of the world, feeling like everything is working for you. And the next, you’re doubting yourself, wondering when everyone is going to see all your flaws.  You’re always striving for perfection, even though we all know it doesn’t […]

sara and stacy working

When you’ve achieved a lot, it’s easy to let those achievements become your whole personality. What if your feelings of fulfillment weren’t dependent on what’s outside of you? What if you could access those feelings at any time? And what if this made you more resilient than you ever thought was possible? In this article we share our own definition of resilience, the importance of finding fulfillment outside of work, sustainable joy, and how to get started.

writing the well and whole formula for resilience

In our opinion, resilience is often presented as a quick fix or a way to make people stronger so they can endure a toxic environment. We’ve seen this countless times in hospital settings, and it got to the point where many nurses felt almost allergic to the word.  Resilience is defined as “having the capacity […]

sara and stacy looking happy with coffee

It feels great to be told you’re doing something right. It feels even better to be told you’re amazing and there’s no one else who can do what you do. And as a high achiever, you are probably very used to hearing this. You might even love it! So, what’s the problem? When you rely on external validation it becomes a prize, something to chase, and a way to measure yourself. Before you know it, you’ve given all your power away. Once you shift from relying on what’s outside of you and instead look inward, everything gets better. You stop chasing, you’re at peace with yourself, and you can even trust yourself more.

Sara and Stacy on the boat for the whale shark swim

Enjoy a story about Sara and I confronting our fears and having the experience of a lifetime. We created a mini guide where you can assess your mindset and coach YOURSELF through fears of your own. And, as always, we provide inspiration and information for your own self discovery and a way to take your next action step.

dreamy pink clouds

What most people don’t realize is that knowing what you don’t want is NOT the same as knowing what you DO want! Most people can tell you what they don’t want, but relatively few can tell you what they do want! They don’t realize just how different these two things actually are. When you are clear on what you really want out of life and how you want to live, it’s much easier to go get it! In this article we’re going to share a process to help you get clarity, visualize what you truly want, and stay connected to it.


Transformational mindset coaches, holistic nurses, expansion enthusiasts, travel lovers, creatives, hobby connoisseurs, dreamers, joy-seekers, and real-life twin sisters helping high achievers live Well and Whole

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Use visualization to achieve your goals. A complete guide to create your digital vision board!  Think clarity, inspiration, and motivation. We’re serving up journal prompts, a step by step guide, and did we mention our free canva template to make it easy peasy?