Hi, we're Sara and Stacy
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Welcome to our first article in our new series – Back to Basics Wellness! Save yourself the time googling this stuff, we got you! We wanted to create this series as a resource you can come back to again and again. 

We’re starting with sleep because it’s truly foundational to your health and wellness. A big focus of the work we do is around mindset and change, yes, but we consider good sleep and rest a crucial part of this. Good sleep changes your brain and your thoughts for the better. 

Think about the difference in your day, your thoughts, and your actions after a night where you’ve slept well or you haven’t. It’s literally night and day, pun intended. So if you’re wondering what we have to say as holistic nurses and coaches about how to sleep better, read on!

But First, Assess

So if you know us, you know we’re not just going to you about your sleep in isolation. We’re going to take a holistic approach and go on a full scale investigation.

Start with a full assessment of your thoughts, habits, and lifestyle factors around sleep

What is your relationship with sleep? Your beliefs about it? And the impact it has on your life?What does your nighttime look like? What about your mornings? Do you have routines and rituals to help you wind down? What about when you wake up?

Then consider the interaction of other lifestyle factors

What is your intake of things like caffeine and alcohol? Are you noticing any patterns with how you feel after? What about when you exercise? When do you stop working for the day? What about blue and white light exposure from your electronics? And of course, what about the timing of being on your phone before you go to sleep or when you wake up? And how about your stress levels?

How to Sleep Better 101

Now for the concrete stuff. Shoutout to one of our favorite books about sleep and one to add to your reading list, Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. With each category think about your current routine and maybe one thing you could implement to get started. The little things really are the big things and they will make a big difference over time!

Timing and sleep

  • Try to go to sleep and wake up at around the same time each day. We know this one is not easy! Is there room for even a small shift here?
  • If you’re a napper, keep naps short – about 15-30 minutes.
  • A bedtime routine is not just for kids! Take some time to wind down before bed. Need help creating one? We’ve got you covered!

Caffeine, alcohol and sleep

  • If possible, don’t consume caffeine after 12 pm. Considering the half life, some of it is likely to still be in your system by bedtime. If you’re looking for a caffeine free alternative, Sara loves RYZE mushroom coffee! (use our link to get 15% off)
  • Although it sometimes feels like alcohol is relaxing, it’s actually sedating and can decrease the quality of your sleep.

Eating and sleep

  • Eat your last meal about 2-3 hours before going to bed. Depending on your individual needs and preferences, a light snack may be okay.

Electronics and sleep

Your sleeping environment

  • Sleep in a cool room if possible! This helps your body’s temperature regulation and it’ll be easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Ensure your room is dark. Light affects your circadian rhythm, melatonin production, and sleep cycles. 

Take Action for Better Sleep

So now that you’ve reviewed how to sleep better, what’s next? We all know that knowing what to do is not the same as actually doing it. It’s the whole reason we have a job! Haha. But really, much of what we have described here is simple, but not necessarily easy to implement. 

So we’ve created just the thing to help you turn that inspiration into action!

Our New Resource to Help You Sleep Better

It’s here!! And it’s called The Sleep Journal.  Think of it as us guiding you step by step towards better sleep. It includes all the information we shared here (and so much more). 

Plus we give you space to record your own comprehensive sleep assessment, create your own action plan for better sleep, and assess, track, and plan your new morning and evening routines. There’s also a guided brain dump journal for times when you can’t fall asleep, or when you wake up in the middle of the night. This is a client favorite, and it really works!

The best part? You’ll have the pdf to use either digitally, or print out. We include all the pages you need for a month, but using the Goodnotes app you can duplicate the pages to continue using your journal for as long as you want!

When Making Time For Yourself Feels Hard

So maybe you have a goal to sleep better, but you struggle with the idea of taking time for yourself for your morning or evening routine. As a high achiever who is used to putting yourself at the end of your to do list, we get it. We see this time and time again with our clients, and if this is you, we want to validate you right now. 

If this is you, we would also love to support you on a call! Book with one of us here and let’s see how we can help!

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Transformational mindset coaches, holistic nurses, expansion enthusiasts, travel lovers, creatives, hobby connoisseurs, dreamers, joy-seekers, and real-life twin sisters helping high achievers live Well and Whole

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