Stories, Inspiration, and Tools to Help You Connect to Yourself, Your Creativity, and What Really Matters to You



sara and stacy looking happy with coffee

Join us as we go deeper into the mindset work you need to heal your inner critic. We’ll talk about how to reprogram your subconscious, take control of negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs, why it’s important to shift into an abundance mindset, and how to use a technique we call empowered thinking!

give yourself a hug

Join us as we go into six juicy steps explaining how to turn your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader. We talk about how to create a better relationship with yourself, how to start loving yourself and why, how to do the inner work with your thoughts and mindset. We also share the reframe you need around failure and forgiveness. And we end with a round up of how to nourish your self trust, confidence, and belief, and how to live in your power.

Why You’re Critical of Yourself as a High Achiever and What You Can Do About It

As a high achiever, you probably have a complicated relationship with yourself. One minute you’re on top of the world, feeling like everything is working for you. And the next, you’re doubting yourself, wondering when everyone is going to see all your flaws.  You’re always striving for perfection, even though we all know it doesn’t […]


Board certified nurse coaches, holistic wellness practitioners, mindset and mindful living experts, creativity enthusiasts, travel lovers, and real life twin sisters; guides on this journey to help you come home to yourself, and live your most Well and Whole life! 

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Use visualization to achieve your goals with our complete guide to create your digital vision board! Think clarity, inspiration, and motivation. We’re serving up journal prompts, a step by step guide, and did we mention our free canva template?