In this article we’re covering some of our most frequently asked questions about who we are, why qualifies us, and what we actually do. What’s a nurse coach? What’s the difference between coaching and therapy? Who do you help and what do you help them with? And why should I care?
Welcome to our guided interactive series, How to Flourish. This week we’re talking about your mindset and how important that is to flourishing. We’re going to help you see the difference between two main mindsets, or ways of thinking. And then we’ll cover how to shift into an abundance mindset.
Board certified nurse coaches, holistic wellness practitioners, mindset and mindful living experts, creativity enthusiasts, travel lovers, and real life twin sisters; guides on this journey to help you come home to yourself, and live your most Well and Whole life!
Use visualization to achieve your goals with our complete guide to create your digital vision board! Think clarity, inspiration, and motivation. We’re serving up journal prompts, a step by step guide, and did we mention our free canva template?