Stories, Inspiration, and Tools to Help You Connect to Yourself, Your Creativity, and What Really Matters to You
Join us as we go deeper into the mindset work you need to heal your inner critic. We’ll talk about how to reprogram your subconscious, take control of negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs, why it’s important to shift into an abundance mindset, and how to use a technique we call empowered thinking!
Welcome to our guided interactive series, How to Flourish. This week we’re talking about your mindset and how important that is to flourishing. We’re going to help you see the difference between two main mindsets, or ways of thinking. And then we’ll cover how to shift into an abundance mindset.
In our opinion, resilience is often presented as a quick fix or a way to make people stronger so they can endure a toxic environment. We’ve seen this countless times in hospital settings, and it got to the point where many nurses felt almost allergic to the word. Resilience is defined as “having the capacity […]
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Use visualization to achieve your goals with our complete guide to create your digital vision board! Think clarity, inspiration, and motivation. We’re serving up journal prompts, a step by step guide, and did we mention our free canva template?