Stories, Inspiration, and Tools to Help You Connect to Yourself, Your Creativity, and What Really Matters to You
Join us for Stacy’s thrilling account of a modern woman attempting to hold herself together and avoid her fears, until she couldn’t anymore. Come for the fun and adventure, stay for the deeper life lessons and journaling prompts for you!
Hi, it’s Sara!! Fun fact, I’m actually afraid of water. I love the ocean, I love the lakes and rivers I’ve seen here in New Zealand, but large bodies of water and the thought of being in them scares me. So when I found The Secret Sauna at Lake Hawea, I was nervous but knew that I had to try it.
Aka How to Stop Putting Yourself on the Back Burner, How to Stop Putting Yourself Last, How to Start Actually Prioritizing Your Needs, How to Start Taking Care of You. In this article we get clear on what self abandonment looks like, what we see in practice, and how you can get started healing this on your own today.
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Use visualization to achieve your goals with our complete guide to create your digital vision board! Think clarity, inspiration, and motivation. We’re serving up journal prompts, a step by step guide, and did we mention our free canva template?