From Career Goals that SEEMED Impossible to Confidence and Feeling Whole

Confronting fear, learning self love, and a whole lot of personal growth. Read Morgan's story here... 


We know high achievers and we know that healing the not-enoughness is totally possible.  

Co-creating transformation with truly supportive coaching.

When I first met Morgan, she was recovering from burnout, felt disconnected from her profession, and the heaviness of leadership was taking its toll. Prioritizing her needs felt more than difficult, and even “unnatural.” She described herself as “hardwired to people please and overachieve.” At the same time, she was dreaming of making some big life changes, yet felt impossibly stuck.  

In spite of having a history of success in everything she had ever done, she had loads of fears - failure, starting over, letting her education and training “go to waste,” not to mention worries about disappointing others. On top of it, she was very critical and judgmental of herself, and her head was full of negative thoughts. 

Somewhere along the line, she realized that too much of her identity and worth was wrapped up in work. She had made great strides in her personal life goals and happiness. Yet she still felt like two different people at work and at home. She was truly craving a life where she felt whole, authentic, and harmonious. 

Together, we co-created a personalized plan. She confessed she felt encouragement and hope for the first time in her work life. And that after our first call, she began to feel like anything was possible. 

In the coming months we did the deep and delicate inner work, and she set both tangible and intangible goals. We created strategies to build her self worth and confidence, detangle her identity from work, and take action in spite of fear (spoiler alert, it doesn’t have to be gone!).

We created a foundation of self acceptance, and non judgment, all while celebrating her wins every step of the way. We worked through patterns like perfectionism, people pleasing, and overachieving. And slowly but surely she discovered new levels of self trust and self love

Her coworkers were noticing too! Long story short, she had to make a real stand for her boundaries on more than one occasion, and thanks to lots of mindset work, mental rehearsal, and visualization, she handled each situation like a champ! She became somewhat of an inspiration to her peers and more importantly, to herself

Thanks to a new relationship with herself, her thoughts and work, she was finally able to be her own advocate - setting boundaries, prioritizing her own wellbeing, and even taking her vacation time without guilt

There are so many ways to measure her success and the results of our coaching container. The inner work most certainly manifested results in her outer world. My favorite one as her coach? That she used more vacation time during our time together than she ever had before


I’d say ‘omg do it!!!! She’s amazing!! It is worth the investment in yourself. If you’re not sure about making the leap - do it! You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain!”

Nurse Executive

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